Running a party


For most parties, we prefer to arrive at the start of the party and paint guests as they arrive. Then if we are doing balloons we will do that after we have finished painting. For busy parties or when you want the guests to participate in a game, we will usually number the children so they know they won't miss out on their turn.


After we have finished up with the painting and balloons that is a good time to do the birthday cake and we can pack up and leave while the kids are all busy eating cake.


Simple Party Games


One or two simple party games are usually enough. If the children are mainly younger than school age, then activities that they can all participate in are usually more age appropriate.


Pass the parcel - if you don't want to wrap up every layer try "Pass the Present" where you have a box with all the prizes in and when the music stops the child with the present gets to choose one out (either pass the box around, or pass a toy around and when the music stops they get to choose from the box).


Pinata - always popular. For little kids there are the ribbon varieties where instead of hitting the pinata they pull ribbons until it opens.


Pin the tail on the donkey - variations of this are available with stickers from supermarkets/$2 shops. Or you could print off a picture to match the theme of your party and use bluetack to stick the horn on the unicorn, the wand on the fairy, the sword on the ninja...


Musical chairs - or if you don't have enough chairs you can use cushions, or even just pieces of paper for musical spots etc.


Musical statues - they can either "freeze", or to make it easier to see you can have them sit down when the music stops.


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Safe Face Painting Practice

  • We only use professional face paint products that are of a cosmetic standard.
  • Please inform us if a child/adult has not had their face painted before.
  • If you have any allergy concerns please feel free to ask for a patch test.
  • It is recommended that young children have a small design on the cheek, hand or arm only.
  • Children/adults with a cold sore, eczema, open cut, conjunctivitis and other infectious conditions will not be painted.
  • A clean sponge will be used for each face painted.
  • We only use cosmetic grade glitter.
  • We will not paint on dirty faces.
  • Professional face paints contain agents which act against yeast, mould and bacteria.
  • It is recommended that clients remove face paint with mild soap and water.
  • Glitter tattoos can be removed with rubbing alcohol, or any skin-safe oil such as baby oil, coconut oil, olive oil. Apply and use a gentle circular motion to remove.
  • Airbrush tattoos can be removed with mild soap and water.
  • We hold Working With Children Checks and appropriate insurances.
  • MSDS can be supplied on request.

Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

All children have a right to feel and be safe. At Face Painting Fun we are committed to the safety and well-being of all children and young people accessing our services and this will always be our first priority. We aim to create a child safe and child friendly environment where all children are valued and feel safe, happy and empowered.

We encourage and respect the views of children and young people who access our services. We listen to and act upon any concerns that children, young people or families raise with us.

We actively involve children in decisions that affect them. This means children are encouraged to choose their own designs, and we do not force our services on unwilling children.

We value diversity and do not tolerate any discriminatory practices. We have zero tolerance for child abuse. Any allegations will be treated very seriously. We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities if we have any concerns about a child’s safety.

We are committed to the cultural safety of children from a culturally and/or linguistically diverse background, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.

We have screening procedures in place for all staff and volunteers. Where we refer you to other professionals, we will only refer you to people who have a valid Working With Children check and that we have worked with on a professional basis.

Procedures for Reporting Abuse or Concerns

Child Protection Crisis Line Tel: 13 12 78 (24 hrs 7 days, toll free)

Call the police on 000 if you have immediate concerns for a child’s safety or if you reasonably believe child abuse may have occurred.

Code of Conduct

All children and young people have a right to a safe physical and emotional environment.

Employees, volunteers and contractors of Face Painting Fun, are expected to:

  • Always behave in ways that promote the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and young people.
  • Actively seek to prevent harm to children and young people and to support those who have been harmed.
  • Have a particular responsibility for those children and young people considered more vulnerable, those with a disability, of aboriginal descent or of a culturally and linguistically diverse background.
  • Treat all children and young people with respect, listening to and valuing their ideas and opinions.
  • Respecting cultural, religious and political differences, and acting in a culturally sensitive way.
  • Report and act on any breaches of this code of conduct, complaints or concerns.

All staff, contractors and volunteers are required to observe child safe principles and expectations for appropriate behaviour toward and in the company of children and are responsible for supporting the safety, participation, wellbeing and empowerment of children by:

  • Taking reasonable steps to protect children from abuse.
  • Listening and responding to the views and concerns of children, particularly if they are telling you that they or another child has been abused and / or are worried about their safety or the safety of another.
  • Promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children (for example, by never questioning an Aboriginal child’s self-identification).
  • Promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children with culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds (for example, by having a zero tolerance of discrimination).
  • Promoting the safety, participation and empowerment of children with a disability (for example, not excluding a child with a disability from an activity).
  • Ensuring as far as practicable that adults are not left alone with a child.
  • Reporting any allegations of child abuse to the police or child protection.
  • If an allegation of child abuse is made, ensure as quickly as possible that the child(ren) are safe.
  • Encourage children to ‘have a say’ and participate in all relevant organisational activities where possible, especially on issues that are important to them.
  • Consulting with children about decisions that affect them.